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INALUM collaborates with MIT Energy Initiative to advance low-carbon energy technologies
Indonesia’s state-owned holding company PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (Persero), also known as INALUM, is joining the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) as a member company to support research that advances development of low-carbon energy technologies and explore ways to reduce the company’s carbon footprint through MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Center for Materials in Energy and Extreme Environments. […]

3 Questions: Richard Lester on the MIT China Summit
On Nov. 12 and 13, leaders in industry, government, and academia will convene at the inaugural MIT China Summit in Beijing, to explore topics at the frontiers of science and technology and the role of research and education in shaping tomorrow’s world. MIT News spoke with Richard Lester, the associate provost of MIT who oversees […]

IHI Corporation to support MIT Energy Initiative
With sights set on global greenhouse gas reduction, Tokyo’s IHI Corporation has joined the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI). IHI, a global engineering, construction, and manufacturing company, recently signed a three-year membership agreement with MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Center for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS). The center is one of eight Low-Carbon Energy Centers that MITEI has established […]

3Q: Hazel Sive on MIT-Africa
In 2017, MIT released a report entitled “A Global Strategy for MIT,” which offered a framework for the Institute’s ever-growing international activities in education, research, and innovation. The report, written by Richard Lester, associate provost for MIT overseeing international activities, offered recommendations organized around three broad themes: bringing MIT to the world, bringing the world […]

Rona Wang, Selam Gano win 2018 De Courtivron Writing Prizes
MIT Global Studies and Languages has announced the winners of the Isabelle de Courtivron Prize for 2018. First Prize went to sophomore Rona Wang, from Portland, Oregon, who majors in mathematics with computer science (Course 18-C), for her story “Acceptance Day.” The story explores identity, race, and bigotry in the United States through the voice […]

Contest seeks writing about bicultural experiences
The Isabelle de Courtivron Writing Prize is seeking student writing submissions (creative or expository) about immigrant, diaspora, bicultural, bilingual, and/or mixed-race experiences. The prize was established to honor distinguished Professor Emerita Isabelle de Courtivron, who dedicated her career at MIT to the study of bicultural and bilingual creative expression. The annual prize competition is open to all MIT […]

Collaborating to cut emissions in the property sector
To enhance the sustainability of homes and property projects in Thailand, Bangkok-based property developer Magnolia Quality Development Corporation Limited (MQDC) has joined the MIT Energy Initiative, with a three-year membership agreement in MITEI’s Low-Carbon Energy Center for Electric Power Systems Research. MQDC is joining MITEI to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from property projects in Thailand, through both […]

Legatum Center announces 2019-20 fellowship class
The Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT announced its fellowship class for the 2019-20 academic year. These 23 student-entrepreneurs are developing innovative business solutions for emerging markets across the globe, including 10 in Africa, six in Latin America, and seven in Asia. Solutions range from portable devices that protect newborns from hypothermia in […]