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International Relations3 Questions: Areg Danagoulian on a new arms control tool and the future of nuclear security
Areg Danagoulian, associate professor in the MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, has built a career around nuclear detection technology. His work has focused, among other things, on a system that could greatly improve the current process for verifying compliance of nuclear warheads. Earlier this year, he published new work on physical cryptographic nuclear […]
Amid shutdowns, supply chains pivot and global demand for specialized talent intensifies
The global landscape of supply chain management has changed drastically in the past several weeks. Businesses, organizations, and people are rapidly innovating to improve supply chains and upskill and reskill the workforce and themselves to accommodate disruptions caused by the global Covid-19 health crisis. Online retailers and logistics providers are announcing vast hiring initiatives, while […]
Emergency-coordination system from Lincoln Laboratory supports Covid-19 response
When the Republic of North Macedonia joined a project supported by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Program (SPS) in 2016, the country teamed up with MIT Lincoln Laboratory to adopt the laboratory’s Next-Generation Incident Command System (NICS) as its official emergency-response platform. Now, this system is helping North Macedonian emergency agencies coordinate their […]
3 Questions: Fotini Christia on new deal-making in Afghanistan
More than 18 years ago, in the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the United States sent troops to Afghanistan with NATO as a measure to protect the U.S. homeland and its allies from the threat of terrorism. Now, the Trump administration hopes to bring an end what is referred to by many as an […]
Supply chain outlook: Why the situation varies by industry
With the Covid-19 virus disrupting the global economy, what is the effect on the international supply chain? In a pair of articles, MIT News examines core supply-chain issues, in terms of affected industries and the timing of unfolding interruptions. By now, the media images are familiar: empty shelves in large markets where shoppers have loaded […]
President Reif testifies before Congress on U.S. competitiveness
No U.S. strategy to respond to competition from China will succeed unless it includes increased investment in research, a concerted effort to attract more students to key research fields, and a more creative approach to turning ideas into commercial products, MIT President L. Rafael Reif said in congressional testimony on Wednesday, Feb. 26. Reif spoke at […]
MIT monitoring 2019 novel coronavirus
On Dec. 31, 2019, the World Health Organization learned about a number of cases of pneumonia of unknown origin in Wuhan City, in the Hubei Province of China. On Jan. 7, Chinese authorities identified the cause as a novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) — a member of the coronavirus family that had never been encountered before. Common […]
Anoushka Bose: Targeting a career in security studies and diplomacy
Anoushka Bose arrived at MIT in 2016 intent on pursuing problems related to climate change and energy. But two years later, she found herself discussing arms control and international security with Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov during a policy forum connecting American and Russian students. “It was eye-opening for me,” says Bose, a double major […]
Advancing nuclear detection and inspection
If not for an episode of soul-searching at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Areg Danagoulian ’99 might have remained content pummeling protons with photons and advancing experimental nuclear physics. Instead, the assistant professor of nuclear science and engineering took off on a different trajectory. “At Los Alamos, where I worked after my doctoral research, I began […]
3 Questions: Historian Elizabeth Wood on election interference
Elizabeth Wood is a professor of history and the author of three books on Russia: “Roots of Russia’s War in Ukraine” (co-authored; Woodrow Wilson Center and Columbia University Press, 2016); “Performing Justice: Agitation Trials in Early Soviet Russia” (Cornell University Press, 2005); and “The Baba and the Comrade: Gender and Politics in Revolutionary Russia” (Indiana […]