News & Stories

MIT participates in Governor Healey’s roundtable with King Abdullah II of Jordan
Vice Provost Duane Boning joins Governor Healey’s roundtable with the King of Jordan to highlight and expand MIT’s collaboration with the Kingdom.
MIT in the world
Rebuilding Ukraine
A collaboration between MIT professors of urban studies and planning and the Association of Ukrainian Cities aims to empower Ukraine’s municipal leaders to drive recovery after the war.
MIT Portugal Program celebrates reunion with former participants of its innovation workshop
Earlier this year, the MIT Portugal Program held the first reunion of its Innovation Workshop (IW), bringing together five cohorts of students who participated in the workshop from 2016 to 2024.
News & Stories Filtered BY

Promoting systemic change in the Middle East, the “MIT way”
The Middle East is a region that is facing complicated challenges. MIT programs have been committed to building scalable methodologies through which students and the broader MIT community can learn and make an impact. These processes ensure programs work alongside others across cultures to support change aligned with their needs. Through MIT International Science and […]

John Tirman, political theorist and executive director of the MIT Center for International Studies, dies at 72
John Tirman, an MIT scholar in political theory and expert on U.S.-Iran relations and human security, passed away on the morning of Aug. 19 after suffering cardiac arrest. He was 72. Since 2004, Tirman served as the executive director of and principal research scientist at the MIT Center for International Studies (CIS). During this […]

J-PAL expands evidence-to-policy government partnerships to fight poverty worldwide
The Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) at MIT has announced a significant expansion of its efforts to forge evidence-to-policy partnerships with innovative-minded governments seeking to use rigorous research to inform their social policies and programs. These partnerships will support governments in laying the groundwork to take evidence-informed policies and programs to scale, aiming […]

New J-WAFS-led project combats food insecurity
Today the Abdul Latif Jameel Water and Food Systems Lab (J-WAFS) at MIT announced a new research project, supported by Community Jameel, to tackle one of the most urgent crises facing the planet: food insecurity. Approximately 276 million people worldwide are severely food insecure, and more than half a million face famine conditions. […]

A better way to make development projects work
In poorer countries, economic development projects tend to get built with the aid of partner countries and companies, and multilateral development organizations. One line of thought is that such projects work better when the outside partner is also from a lower-income country, what is often referred to as the “Global South.” Suppose the Brazilian cooperation […]

Emma Gibson: Optimizing health care logistics in Africa
Growing up in South Africa at the turn of the century, Emma Gibson saw the rise of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and its devastating impact on her home country, where many people lacked life-saving health care. At the time, Gibson was too young to understand what a sexually transmitted infection was, but she knew that HIV […]

MIT Governance Lab hosts speaker series on governance innovation
Late this spring, the MIT Governance Lab (MIT GOV/LAB) hosted a pair of online conversations between public service leaders about governance innovation. Discussion topics included how governments can be motivated to innovate and what role design can play in reforming government and public services. MIT GOV/LAB is an applied research group directed by Lily L. […]

Getting the carbon out of India’s heavy industries
The world’s third largest carbon emitter after China and the United States, India ranks seventh in a major climate risk index. Unless India, along with the nearly 200 other signatory nations of the Paris Agreement, takes aggressive action to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius relative to preindustrial levels, physical and financial losses […]

How the debt crisis of 2008-09 fueled populist politics
The economic downturn of 2008-09 has often been described as a financial-sector crisis, featuring failing banks. But it was much more than that. Many people with stagnant or dropping incomes, having borrowed to sustain their standard of living, found themselves deep in debt when the economy sagged and joblessness increased. In turn, those economic problems […]

Study: Trade can worsen income inequality
International trade exacerbates domestic income inequality, at least in some circumstances, according to an empirical study that two MIT economists helped co-author. The research, focusing on Ecuador as a case study, digs into individual-level income data while examining in close detail the connections between Ecuador’s economy and international trade. The study finds that trade generates […]